1. Login to your PaidShipping account
  2. Click the Integrations tab on the left hand side.
  3. Click New Integration
  4. Click Connect to BigCommerce
  5. Open a new tab in your browser
  6. Login to your BigCommerce store in the new tab
  7. Click Advanced Settings on the left hand side
  8. Click API Accounts at the bottom on the left hand side
  9. Click the blue Create API Account button and select Create V2/V3 API Token from the dropdown.
  10. Enter a name (Ex. "ShipTime")
  11. For the permissions section below, click the right-most option for all sections (ex. "modify", "manage", etc.)
  12. Click the Save button on the bottom right hand side.
  13. Click the blue clipboard icon next to the Client ID field
  14. Switch to the PaidShipping tab in your browser
  15. Paste the Client ID into the appropriate field
  16. Enter a Store Name
  17. Switch back to the BigCommerce tab
  18. Click the blue clipboard icon next to the Access Token field
  19. Switch back to the PaidShipping tab in your browser
  20. Paste the Access Token in the appropriate field
  21. Switch back to the BigCommerce tab
  22. Copy the Store URL for the BigCommerce admin page (Should resemble "https://store-cg2lo9uz8f.mybigcommerce.com/")
  23. Switch back to the PaidShipping tab in your browser
  24. Paste the Store URL into the appropriate field
  25. Click the Connect button
  26. On the popup that appears, Click Start Sync