To save an Invoice as draft:

  1. Login to your PaidPayments dashboard

  2. On the left-hand side, click on Invoicing. Alternatively, click on Create Invoice in the middle of the screen.

  3. Next, click in the Customer field to select an existing customer, or click on Create New Customer.

  4. Once a customer has been selected, select the correct Currency, Invoice Terms, and Due Date for the invoice.

  5. Next, click in the Product/Service field to select and existing product to add to the invoice, or click on Add New Product to add a new product to the invoice.

  6. To add additional items to the invoice, click on Add Line Item.

  7. Once all the items have been added, enter in any Notes need for the invoice. If the customer does not have a Shipping Address associated with their profile, select the option to Request Shipping Address. This will prompt the customer to enter in an address while completing the invoice.

  8. Click on Save Invoice to save this invoice for later.

  9. The draft will be located on the Invoices section with the status showing as Draft.