1. Log into your PaidShipping account.
  2. On the left-hand side, select Integrations.
  3. Click on the option for New Integration.
  4. Click the button Connect to WooCommerce.
  5. Toggle the Real Time Rates to the ON position (if desired).
  6. Click the download links for live shipping plugin (if real time rates desired) and the bridge connector plugin (required)
  7. Next, in a new tab, login to your WooCommerce admin page.
  8. On the left-hand side of the screen, mouse-over the Plugins menu and click Add New.
  9. Click the Upload Plugin button.
  10. Click the Choose File button.
  11. Select the live shipping plugin .zip file
  12. Click the Install Now button.
  13. Click the Activate Plugin button.
  14. Repeat steps 8 - 13 with the bridge connector plugin.
  15. Locate the bridge connector plugin and click the Settings button.
  16. Copy and paste the Store Key, Root Directory and Bridge URL into the appropriate fields on the PaidShipping platform.
  17. Enter default box dimensions (these are only used if product dimensions are missing)
  18. Enter a Store Name and Store URL, then click the Connect button.