To embed your Checkouts link in Wix:

  1. Login to your PaidPayments Dashboard
  2. On the left-hand side, click on Checkouts
  3. Click the Checkouts Link to copy to your clipboard. If you haven’t created your Checkouts link yet, click here for instructions on how to do so.
  4. Launch your Wix Editor, and find a section on your site that lists the product or services you would like to collect orders for. In this example, we’re using a web designer’s service section.

  5. Click the Add button in the top left navigation menu, and hover over Button. Click the button style you wish to add to your website.

  6. Once you’ve placed your button in the appropriate section of your website, make sure the text in the button is appropriate to the service you’re offering.

  7. After you’ve set the text, click the “link” button to the right of “change text” in order to add a hyperlink to your button. Select Web Address, then paste the Checkout link provided by Paid into this field. You can tell Wix Editor whether you want the Checkout to open in a new tab, or in the same window.

  8. Once you’ve completed these steps and you like how everything looks, click Publish to make your changes live on your Wix website.