Forgot your password?


If you are unable to log in due to an incorrect, forgotten or expired password follow the below steps to reset it on your own!

  • On the login screen/pop-up, Click Forgot Password?


  • Enter your email address.


  • Click 



You should see a success message like the one below. If you see a red message or receive an error, please refresh your page (You can force your page to reset on Windows by pressing Control + F5) and try again. If you continue to receive errors please contact support by calling 1-844-399-7243 or opening a chat!



  • Navigate to the email address you use for your account and locate the password reset email.
    1. Note: You may need to check your spam or junk folders as this will come from an automated source!
    2. The title of the email will be: Paid Account Password Reset

  • Open the email. 



  • Click 


  • Re-enter your email address and Create a new password.
    1. Your password must contain, at a minimum, the following: 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, 1 number, 1 special character (example:@#$%^&*).
    2. Minimum of 8 characters.
    3. You can click the  next to the password to make sure they match before resetting.


  • Click


Congratulations, your password is now reset!